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Help Us Find Alumni of the Dive Program!

Next to seeing all of you at the reunion party Saturday August 27, 2005, Lloyd Austin would like nothing more than to have an up to date list of alumni contact information.

We have no current contact information for a large percentage of alumni. The list below contains the names of all the people that we've lost track of. Please pull out your little black books and help us locate them! If you know anything about a person listed below, please send us an email so we can get their information up to date.

Thanks for your help with this!

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Stephen Lacki
UC Divers Class of 1971
Krishen Laetsch
UC Divers Class of 1985
Patrick Lammie
UC Divers Class of 1975
Andrew Lamond
UC Divers Class of 1981
Seona Lampman
UC Divers Class of 1981
James Langley
UC Divers Class of 1972
Russell Lansford
UC Divers Class of 1985
Dennis Larrivee
UC Divers Class of 1966
Carol Lathrop
UC Divers Class of 1968
Lawrence Lathrop
UC Divers Class of 1967
Claire Lavende
UC Divers Class of 1980
Steven LaViolette (deceased)
UC Divers Class of 1973
Alan Lawson
UC Divers Class of 1974
Heidi Lawson
UC Divers Class of 1986
Susan Lawson
UC Divers Class of 1974
Burton Lee
UC Divers Class of 1969
Allan Lemon
UC Divers Class of 1973
Garth Lenz
UC Divers Class of 1981
Kenneth Leslie
UC Divers Class of 1972
David Lester
UC Divers Class of 1974
Kenneth Lewin
UC Divers Class of 1980
Reid Lewis
UC Divers Class of 1970
Terrance Lim
UC Divers Class of 1973
Mark Lindley
UC Divers Class of 1983
Peter Linfoot
UC Divers Class of 1979
Larry Livingston
UC Divers Class of 1969
Marisha Lockwood
UC Divers Class of 1992
Christopher Lombardo (deceased)
UC Divers Class of 1972
Michael Longacre
UC Divers Class of 1993
Jeffrey Longmate
UC Divers Class of 1973
Jean-Christo Loomis
UC Divers Class of 1973
Camas Lott
UC Divers Class of 1969
Liang-Yi Lu
UC Divers Class of 1994
Peter Lufkin
UC Divers Class of 1974
David Lyon
UC Divers Class of 1975

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